I'm giving away $200 TO 5 LUCKY PEOPLE!


By May 21st, I will be giving away $200 to 5 subscribers by random selection. All you have to do is verify your email! Simple ! I will use a random generator to pick 5 lucky people!

Verify here: <iframe src="https://embeds.beehiiv.com/765b565b-7942-4ff6-80e5-2ba8a295308d" data-test-id="beehiiv-embed" width="480" height="320" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="border-radius: 4px; border: 2px solid #e5e7eb; margin: 0; background-color: transparent;"></iframe>

You should arrive to a page looking like this!

Good luck everyone! We will do this challenge every 3 months insha Allah. That means soon enough everyone will win! (You can ONLY win once).

We will continue with our lessons in the next few days.

make sure you subscribe to Buyology. To learn more about marketing. A topic we will discuss next week insha Allah.

BuyologyConvert every visitor into a buyer with carefully curated marketing developments and actionable insights in less than 5 minutes a day alongside readers from companies like Amazon, Hubspot, Liquid D...


or to participate.